As the name implies, tobacciana refers to collectibles or antiques related to all types of tobacco products including both cigars and cigarettes. This type of memorabilia takes us back in time to when cigarettes were actually viewed as healthy and any well-to-do man was expected to adjourn to the drawing room for a cigar with his scotch or cognac after dinner.
During the cigar revival of the late 1980s and early 1990s, the popularity of related collectibles increased dramatically. While the demand for this type of tobacciana is still strong, only the rarest and most unusual items sell for the highest prices these days.
For instance, coin-op vending machines known as trade stimulators were an early form of gambling and they often dispensed cigars as prizes. These, especially models from the late 1800s, can sell for tens of thousands at auction when they’re in good working order. Ornate bar top cigar lighters can also sell in the thousands, as can salesman’s sample books filled with cigar bands and labels.
Collection Item Samples
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