Captain Marvel’s Insane Powers


Have you watched Avengers Infinity War? Thanos has overpowered their superpowers and only the original Avengers were left. Now here comes Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)’s super-sonic flying Captain Marvel, who’s going to battle Thanos and his universe-shattering cull.

Her appearance in 2019 redefines the [female] MCU superheroes and change the history. Her powers are off the charts, making her the strongest character in MCU.

The famous actress Brie Larson is going to play this iconic female superhero. But today we are showcasing how insane her powers to destroy Thanos. Here is the lineup:

Seventh Sense

Spider-Man’s trademark power, the Spider-sense, is capable of warning him about incoming danger turning him nearly impossible to hit by his opponents. Similarly, Captain Marvel’s seventh sense is a precognitive ability, which allows her to recognize hazard ahead of time and even predict the enemy attacks.

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Unbelievable Strong Energy Blasts

Her popular attacks, often viewed as common strikes, are made of up of cosmic energy that makes it higher than the repulsor and unibeam blasts Iron Man bursts. This power accelerates when she goes binary.

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Ultimate Form: Binary

Her popular attacks, often viewed as common strikes, are made of up of cosmic energy that makes it higher than the repulsor and unibeam blasts Iron Man bursts. This power accelerates when she goes binary.

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Galactus As Her Ally

The sole survivor of the universe before Big Bang is her trump card! Galactus is the most feared being in the cosmos. He was born as humanoid Galan on the planet Taa, a wondrous paradise of scientific and social achievement. He holds near-limitless godlike power.

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Cosmic Awareness

Captain Marvel can prepare for a battle that is headed her way from the cosmos. This is something which makes her the best chance that Team Avengers may have to crush Thanos and his Black Order because she exactly knows how to respond to a threat like that.

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Energy Absorption

One of her key powers is to absorb any form of energy that is directed towards her. Thor’s thunder attacks will only damage as she would absorb and counterattack with a stronger hit. Iron Man’s repulsor rays will have no effect at all.

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Gravity Control

Indeed she’s extremely powerful as even Superman cannot beat her. Her another insane power is to control Gravity. Since many of her opponents can fly and defy gravity, a strong control of gravity to surround them freezes for a few seconds.

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Highly Skilled

Even without her powers, she can hold her own against any non-super fighting individuals. Considered as one of the best pilots, she is a very skilled and trained fighter, also igniting any aircraft would be easy for her.

Light Speed Travel

Captain Marvel is an amazing lady who possesses superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. She can fly at supersonic speeds roughly 6 times faster than the Speed of Sound. In her Binary form, she travels faster than the light speed.

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Survives in Space and Vacuum

Through her superhuman abilities, she can survive in Space without any oxygen but loses her powers during that time. Her temporary Binary form allows retaining her powers in a vacuum of Space.

She can be greater than Wonder Woman’s because of her do-it-all immense competence. She can begin from super speed to precognition energy absorption to rapid healing. Her suit is a build-up of incredible alien tech pieces with Kree physiology. She’s a military officer, spy, pilot, and an alien hero.

It would be interesting to see her in Avengers 4. When Guardians and Avengers have lost all hope of saving the world from Mad Titan Thanos, she comes to the rescue. How epic would that be? She creates a mantle of leadership and leads the ‘New Avengers’ as threats hit massively on human civilization.


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