What is Goku’s Strongest Form?


For obvious reasons, as the show progresses, these transformations always have a tendency to become stronger and flashier, with new hairstyles and vibrant colors. It’s as simple to predict which form would appear next as choosing a new hairstyle for Goku. Strength is the most crucial of each transformation’s several components. After all, Goku defeats his foes because to his increased strength.

14. Great Ape

Goku was able to undergo his first transformation when still a young child. Unfortunately, he did not do it on purpose because Saiyans who still have their tail start to turn into great apes when they are under a full moon. Goku is enormous in this form, and his great yet unrestrained power is present.

In his youth, Great-Ape Goku would have posed a threat to the Earth due to his increased power. Great-Ape was a terrifying force to be reckoned with in his Dragon Ball days, outclassing every other combatant in strength, ki, and vitality.

13. False Super Saiyan

Although the Lord Slug film isn’t officially canon, the battle with Frieza gave fans a preview of what a Super Saiyan would look like before they ever saw it in Dragon Ball Z. After being brutally chastised by Lord Slug’s enormous power, Goku is seen battling Lord Slug and then summoning a power that raises his level of strength to incredible heights.

He doesn’t change his hair, but his aura appears to be golden and his eyes are filled with power. Since he didn’t fully transform into the golden warrior, but he did exhibit obvious signs of doing so, fans have called this form False Super Saiyan.

12. Kaio-Ken

Goku learns how to gain strength, speed, and power at the expense of stamina after crossing the lengthy Snake Way bridge to reach King Kai. Goku’s red transformation was first witnessed by fans during the renowned conflict with Nappa and Vegeta.

Goku quickly dispatches Nappa and then amplifies his Kaio-Ken transformation by a factor of 20, demonstrating to the audience his capacity to increase Kaio-Ken power as needed. This battle demonstrates just how much Kaio-Ken can improve Goku’s skills. Due to the multiplication factor, it can compete well with False Super Saiyan.

11. Super Saiyan 1

The Super Saiyan form is arguably the most recognizable transformation in the whole Dragon Ball series. The first time Goku employed this was in his battle with Frieza, where the power boost the form gave him let him easily defeat his evil foe. The show’s audience responded favorably to the golden makeover, and ever since, the appearance has become synonymous with the program.

10. Super Kaio-Ken

Goku made a brief appearance of what fans have come to refer to as Super Kaio-Ken during the very first attempt to fuse Kaio-Ken with his Super Saiyan form. Fans were shocked when Goku used Kaio-Ken while in his Super Saiyan transformation during his battle with Pikkon.

After that, he used strong offense to fight back against Pikkon, but he was unable to maintain the shape for very long, even when he was dead. As he would be increasing the Super Saiyan’s boost, this form is undoubtedly more powerful than his base Super Saiyan form.

9. Super Saiyan 2

Gohan, Goku’s gifted son, is most famed for using the Super Saiyan 2 form. After the Cell saga, Goku initially attained Super Saiyan 2 during his bloody battle with Majin Vegeta. Most fans recognized this form as the one Gohan attained during his battle with Cell.

This form was the second step that Goku took to increase his power, but shortly after, he showed supporters he was capable of more, and it immediately became known as Super Saiyan 2, though Goku initially referred to it as “Ascended Super Saiyan.”

8. Super Saiyan 3

Goku demonstrated another transformation he underwent when battling Majin Buu after demonstrating his Super Saiyan 2 form while facing Vegeta. Goku began to perform his trademark “scream-to-power-up,” and he soon transformed into the menacing Super Saiyan 3.

When Goku was in this form, his hair was exceedingly long, and he always appeared to have a focused and serious attitude. Even though Buu had little issue defeating Goku in this form, it was obvious that Super Saiyan 3 was a powerful opponent.

7. Golden Great Ape

The Golden Great Ape is one of GT Goku’s more recent incarnations. The amount of strength Goku obtained when he merged Super Saiyan and Great Ape will be clear to fans who recall how Great Ape increased a Saiyan’s power level. The form earns a higher ranking on this list since it is implied in the show that it is much more powerful than Super Saiyan 3.

While it was obvious that Goku struggled to control this form’s strength, it nevertheless gave him enough strength to assist in stopping Baby.

6. Super Saiyan 4

Goku was able to fully transform into Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT by controlling his Golden Great Ape form. Although this form isn’t necessarily more strong than the Golden Great Ape form, it does provide Goku more autonomy, agility, and unpredictability.

Due to this, the Super Saiyan 4 form has a distinct edge over the Golden Ape form. This form was favorably received in GT, and it quickly established itself as the most potent and one of the coolest-looking forms. (During its time, of course.)

5. Super Saiyan God

The movie that would come out years after the program, Super Saiyan God, would offer a strange new transformation after GT was removed from canon. The Super Saiyan God was reported to be a kind-hearted Saiyan, and this form could only be attained by the union of five Saiyans.

After achieving this form, Goku was noticeably skinnier and his hair still had the same look as in his basic form, but it was glowing bright red. Even though he was unable to fight the God of Destruction, Beerus, in this state, it was still evident how much stronger he had become as a result of powering up.

4. Super Saiyan Blue

As soon as Super Saiyan God was acquired, the form was swiftly forgotten and the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan was unveiled. The first battle with the form was against Frieza, who had acquired his own form. This form is essentially a fusion of god ki with the Super Saiyan form. It was rapidly referred to as “Super Saiyan Blue” due to its lengthy name.

In this state, Goku may multiply all of the power from his Super Saiyan skills and get all the qualities of his freshly attained god energy. This form was a mainstay of the new Dragon Ball Super series, and it served as Goku’s strongest form up until…

3. Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken

Super Saiyan Blue was highly doable on its own, but Goku had to eventually go beyond that. Fans first witnessed Goku use Kaio-Ken to combine Super Saiyan Blue’s power and multiplication skills with Kaio-Ken during his battle with Pikkon.

Goku is now significantly more powerful than he has ever been, and he can go even further by just increasing his Kaio-Ken. Fans witnessed Goku employ this in his battle with the assassin Hit, demonstrating how effective the combination was.

2. Ultra-Instinct Omen

During Dragon Ball Super, one of Goku’s most important moments from the show happened during the Tournament of Power. While fighting Jiren, Goku was struck by his own Spirit Bomb, and everyone assumed he would be out.

Goku, known for never giving up, was then shown to have absorbed some of the Spirit Bomb’s energy and harnessed a power that made him involuntarily dodge, and attack faster than he has ever fought before. This Goku was entirely different from any of his other forms, because not only was it more powerful, but it wasn’t a Saiyan form.

1. Mastered Ultra-Instinct

Goku was finally able to comprehend the strength of Ultra-Instinct after dealing with the training required to use Ultra-Instinct to its fullest capacity. Goku was able to reach his Mastered Ultra-Instinct form once he had fully mastered the usage of Ultra-Instinct’s strength. It was evidently distinct from his Omen form since it made his hair appear whiter.

It was obvious that he could fight more effectively and use his combat abilities while dodging blows with his body. Any opponent that forces Goku into this state will have a lot to deal with because it is his greatest form.





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